Hello, emoji i am Hamza Rachid, an online marketer and content Creator

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Distance training courses



الدعم الفني



دورات تكوينية عن بعد


E-commerce course
Information about the course

A training course to start e-commerce in Morocco, the Gulf, and Africa is an excellent opportunity for individuals seeking to get started in the world of e-commerce. The book used in this course is distinguished by its provision of a large number of information, including: a comprehensive introduction to the concepts and basics of e-commerce. A review of the infrastructure needed to create a successful online store, including the technical and software options available. An analysis of the e-commerce markets in Morocco, the Gulf, and Africa, including current trends, future expectations, and guidance on how to choose products and develop digital marketing strategies appropriate for each region. Thanks to this rich information, this course is an ideal opportunity for individuals who want to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to build business projects. Successful in the field of e-commerce

Choose your counseling plan

The first steps to start e-commerce in Morocco, the Gulf and Africa

Basic Plan

$55 100$

  • 4 hours
  • Two hours per lesson
  • Learn how to create an advertising video
  • 1 day a week
  • Technical support via WhatsApp
  • Launching an advertising campaign

Ultra Plan
best plan

$200 300$

  • 10 hours
  • Two hours per lesson
  • Learn how to create an advertising video
  • 2 days a week
  • Technical support via WhatsApp
  • Launching an advertising campaign

Gold Plan

$300 450$

  • 16 hours
  • Two hours per lesson
  • Learn how to create an advertising video
  • Learn how to create a landing page
  • 3 days a week
  • Technical support via WhatsApp
  • Help in choosing a product
  • Launching an advertising campaign
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